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Tooth Sensitivity: Causes, Solutions, and Prevention

lady with tooth pain
Tooth sensitivity is a common dental concern that affects many people. It may cause discomfort when eating or drinking hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. Identifying the causes of tooth sensitivity and managing it is key to enjoying your favourite foods without discomfort.

Causes and Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity

The problem occurs when the protective enamel on your teeth wears down, exposing the dentine beneath. Dentine contains tiny tubules that lead directly to the nerves of the tooth, which is why you may feel sharp pain when consuming something cold or hot.

Some of the most common causes of enamel wear and dentine exposure include brushing too hard, gum recession, tooth decay, chipped or cracked teeth, teeth grinding (bruxism, acidic foods and drinks, and whitening products.

In some cases, the problem may be genetic, with certain individuals being more prone to experiencing this discomfort.

How We Help Manage Your Issues

If you’re dealing with sensitivity issues, here are several steps to manage and reduce the discomfort:

  1. Use desensitising toothpaste – specially formulated toothpaste, such as Sensodyne Rapid Relief or Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief, help block the pain signals from your teeth to the nerves by sealing the tubules in the dentine to prevent sensations from reaching the nerves.
  2. Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush – a softer toothbrush helps protect your enamel and gums while still cleaning your teeth.
  3. Avoid acidic foods and drinks – reducing your intake of acidic foods helps protect your enamel. If you consume them, rinse your mouth with water afterwards and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing to avoid further enamel erosion.
  4. Visit your dentist for a professional evaluation – this condition may indicate a more serious issue, such as a cavity or gum disease. If you experience ongoing discomfort, scheduling an appointment with our dentist is essential.

By addressing the issue early, you can avoid the pain and discomfort and enjoy your favourite foods and drinks without worry.

Take Control of Your Dental Health

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, don’t wait; contact Princeton Dental today for a thorough evaluation. Our team will help identify the cause and provide solutions to keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


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